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I've just wanted to write a lot down and post it somewhere that it might be heard and just, understood, if that makes sense?. This is probably going to be a really long vent.


“You gonna go? Hell, why am I even asking? O’Course you are.” He downed it in one and slammed the drink down as he gasped, standing up to his full height and cr Simply dial the number attached and we will organise the rest.īuck kicked back in his recliner and swirled his whiskey around lazily as I finished reading, smirking from underneath his stetson. More information will be provided upon your acceptance and arrangements will be made to bring you here within 48 hours. Your presence is urgently requested to deal with the final requests of our Death Row Inmates. To the outer reaches of Sturgeons eyes and finds itself situated in a maximum security prison in the middle of the most dangerous location on Earth A town with a bar between places that caters to those in need, a town with a hotel sporting physical impossibilities on every floor, a town where the dead are ferried across on seaplanes and where monsters meet martial artists in a tournament of nightmares.īut what I have to tell you all today goes far, far away from that. But the world was changing and when I came of age, I knew I’d need to see the wider world to bring our family talents to prominence. Traditions held for centuries and the importance of respecting one's kin through practice. When Efa met my Grandfather Ajani, an immigrant from Jamaica, he brought with him stories of Voodoo curses, known as Obeah. People have lost touch with that aspect of the world the traditions of days gone by, respect for the old ways and the rituals small towns and villages would undertake to safeguard their communities from wayward souls, unseen terrors and creatures of the night. With no mother or father to speak of and no desire for children of my own, responsibility fell to me, the unlikely descendant, to take up the mantle and keep it going.īut I will be the last, that much is certain. My grandmother Efa Lockwood was one of the last in Wales to keep the practice going. I wouldn’t call sin eating my job or anything superfluous like that. My name is Eleanor Lockwood, but you can all call me Nelle. Sin Eater - A person who consumes a ritual meal in order to spiritually take on the sins of a deceased person. Where we seek refuge, to where we cannot hide Where we come from, to where we are going we may relocate, build a new family, live a vastly different life from that which we were born into, but the direction we chose is based on where we were planted. we cannot detach ourselves from our past. The 4th (private life) & the 10th (public life) will always be linked. these patterns are deeply unique, specific to our birth chart. These two areas of life will be highlighted at different times over the course of our lifetime, sometimes simultaneously. Houses on an axis often represent polarized interests: the needs of our family, versus the requirements our job… what we were raised to be, versus who we work to become. your “calling” may be your career trajectory, but it also could be to start a family, to serve as a mentor, to build community. what we do to survive in our capitalist society isn’t always emblematic of our aspirations. sometimes I prefer to use the term “calling” as it acknowledges that often, our purpose isn’t synonymous with our 9-5. The 10th relates to our reputation, career, vocation, digital presence, & the role we play in the public sphere. it’s tied to the midheaven: the highest point in the sky, & therefore the most visible area of the chart. The 10th house is the branches: what we grow into, where we reach new heights. the strength of our foundation is influenced by the circumstances of our ancestors: the impact of inheriting a home, versus intergenerational trauma. the home we grow up in is often a reiteration or a response to our how our caregivers were nurtured. Planets in the 4th house can describe the nature of the home environment, & by extension the environment of our parental figure(s).

visibility synonym

it relates to the IC, the lowest, most private area of our chart. it contains our family history, or ancestral lineage. it is our home life, in a physical (where we lay our head at night), emotional (where we feel at home), & historic (where we grew up) sense. The 4th house represents our roots: where we came from, & what we call home.

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